Welcome... Ongi etorri!!! My name is Pablo Etxeberri Tupuola Rodriguez and welcome to my world on the internet. Here I want to share my dreams, my desires, and my music. Music can make people laugh and cry, make you remember the times when you were younger, or just tell the person you love how you feel about them. You can find all that you are looking for in Basque, Polynesian, Asian and Latino music and entertainment. You may also listen live to RCI-Radio Paradise on Live365 or download my songs in mp3 or mobile format. The links above will direct you to the different areas of my website or use Web Search (coming soon) located below to find what you are looking. Mabuhay! Isang daang taong Kalayaan, isang bayan, isang tinig, isang awit! Tara na! Register ka na sa Pablo Music Net SMS. And please don't forget to sign my guest book. I welcome your comments on how to improve this site. My email address is webmaster [a bildua] pablitonet.com , if you are human you can guess what "a bildua" means in Basque. You can also send me instant messages on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) at screen name "ulapablo" or Yahoo Messenger screenname "pablito305br". See and hear the beauty of Asia and Latin America. Nyob zoo! Sis ntsib dlua lwm zag. Have fun!
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