My Samoa
The main island Tutuila is mountainous and spectacularly beautiful with good hiking possibilities in newly formed National Park of American Samoa. Buses travel from Fagatogo market to each end of the island for about a dollar, and there's a long list of waterfalls, churches,villages, beaches, and archaeological sites to see. A day spent strolling around the adjacent villages of Utulei, Fagatogo, Leone and Pago Pago is both entertaining and informative. The best way to see fa'a Samoa (Samoan way of life) is to go to the villages. But you must always remember to respect the samoan way. We are very friendly people, but compared to Americans, we are conservative in our actions.
Hehe,don't forget to listen to RCI Paradise,now in
RealAudio! Just click on FA'ALOGO on the main
HOMEPAGE, also incudes samples from my newest
albums. Thanks for visiting, and please come back often!
Make sure your sound is ON when you view my
site.Also listen for my newest songs "Fa'amaoni Le Alofa"
in Samoan, "Love,Day After Tomorrow"in Filipino, and "'O Lo'u Alofa Lena"; the last song dedicated to someone special. "The day we
met, I will never forget!"
Hmong,Viet Nam and Samoa Links
Faleo'o I Le Internet-
Talofa Lava!RCI Samoa,Pago Pago City
Talofa tele lava! U'a mai oe? And welcome to RCI in the Samoas and all of Polynesia. Hafa Adai! to our visitors from Guam.'O lo'u igoa 'o Pablo Tupuola, mai le atunu'u matagofie Tutuila, Amelika Samoa. Pago Pago (Fagatogo) town is located on Tutuila island,and is the capital of this U.S. territory. Pago is also the background for my song "Alofa Faifaipea", which is top in the clubs from Aukland to L.A. Check back often for upcoming events. Tofa soifua!
Telefoni +18086460140
Nyob Zoo Hmoob!RCI Vientiane,Laos
RCI Network's presents in Asia is growing,with programs and music in many Asian languages: Samoan, Hmong, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, just to name a few. Also,to the Asian-Pacific Community in the U.S., visit PARADISE CLUB & MUSIC STUDIO in Miami, Florida and Moloka'i, Hawai'i. For more details call (808) 646-0140. Ntshe yog txoj hmoo los coj ua rau wb sib ncaim. Los yuav sib hlub mus txog hnub uas ntiaj teb kawg. More love to you all, and first of all, I would like to thank God for His love, and my family and friends who been support me, and to my Samoan friend especially (you know who you are), you're my sunshine after the rain! PABLO T.
